

A. Introduction

The Internet is a vast network of small and large computer networks around the world are interconnected using communication media such as telephone, radio, cable TV, satellite and others. At first the Internet can be accessed by anyone using a computer, telephone line and modem. For areas without phone lines (eg, forests, mountains and rural areas, people use radio waves to replace the phone line. For the time being because the development of the Internet so rapidly, the Internet can be accessed by using only minimal but full-featured mobile phone has GPRS berfasilitas . And the cost of internet access is getting cheaper any time. To be able to connect keinternet we need the help of ISP (Internet Service Provider / Internet Service providers). ISPs can be likened to the GSM operators in the mobile phone. When the cellular phone is Telkomsel, Indosat, Excelcomindo etc. , then on the internet there are service providers such as Centrin, CBN, etc. Radnet. For the current GSM and CDMA operators can also act as an ISP as a conduit to connect keinternet for those who use mobile phones as a modem or that use direct Hanphone to access the Internet, and maybe this way that many individuals because it is easier to use and flexible.


There are several methods used to connect to the internet include:

1. Dial up
This method uses the phone line to communicate with the Internet. Usually used for networks that are not connected to the internet continuously (24 hours a day). This method will be discussed more deeply in the next chapter.

2. Wave LAN / microwave (2 Mbps-11 Mbps)
This method uses wav LAN and for communication between the wave nature of wireless LAN (no need for cables). Usually the network is quite far apart (due to cable-based network requires a fairly expensive cost for installation and maintenance). Are dedicated / used for networks that connect intenet 24 hours a day, with a speed of approximately 10 Mbps.

3. Satellite (64 Kbps-2 Mbps)

4. Cable Modem
Cable modems are modems that are used in cable television network, which stands for two words:
a. Cable, short of the Cable Television Network
b. Modem, short for modulator and demodulator.
So pengetian cable modem is sutu devices that can be either external box that plugs into a PC on the internal ethernet card or form, which can provide high-speed data access service through cable television network.
The basic idea behind the making of the Cable Modem that is utilizing cable television network that already exists for high-speed data communications.

5. Radio package can be used for internet connection, although the premises are less memadai.Amatir speed packet radio is a computer communication technology in amateur radio has been growing since 1984-1985. Amateur packet radio techniques developed so rapidly, tens of thousands of amateur radio in different parts of the world have dedicated device to operate 24 hours / day to help expedite the various services that run on amateur packet radio network. Even information on the results of research conducted is usually given Free of Charge for the common good. Amateur packet radio network using TCP / IP known as AMPRNnet /

6. Wireless Modem
In this method we can use wireless modems that are made available by the manufacturer only to be used as a wireless modem. Or we can also use our mobile phones to enable a wireless modem. The speed of this method depends on the wireless modem that we use. For more details about the Wireless Modem.
Besides the internet there are also some of the world of commercial computer networks such as Compuserve, MCI Mail, and America Online.

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